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american flag flying in wind from boat on ocean
A coalition of nonpartisan voter, overseas and military advocacy organizations, including U.S. Vote Foundation, took action in a critical legal battle for overseas and military voter rights. With the filing of an amicus curiae brief in Pennsylvania, the battle took a decisive turn.

The case poses a threat to Pennsylvania’s military personnel deployed overseas and their families, as well as U.S. citizens living abroad who vote in PA, in the upcoming 2024 election.
black origami bird carrying envelope and 2 white origami birds below
We are happy to say that many overseas and military voters requested their ballots early in 2024 and have already received them and voted.

Unfortunately, there are some voters who are not so lucky. If you know for sure that you requested your overseas absentee ballot this year, mid-October is the time to check on it. In fact, time to get on it ASAP! You need to vote and send it back in time to be counted.

Here are some tips for tracking down your overseas ballot.
padlock with key place on top of computer keyboard
As an overseas or military voter, your participation in federal elections is your right, and it is codified in federal law. You have special online features and benefits available to you in 2024 that make it easier to register, request your ballot and get your ballot back in time to be counted.

Equally important to your right to vote as an absentee voter is your vigilance to safeguard your privacy and security when accessing voting services online. This blog will guide you on how to protect yourself and your vote.
Overseas Vote logo - Initiative of US Vote Foundation
The assertion that non-U.S. citizens are voting through the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) program has no basis in fact. The integrity of this program has never been in question, and attempts to mislead or cast doubt on it will not succeed.

The UOCAVA voting program, which has served military and overseas voters for decades, is both robust and transparent. Any examination will demonstrate how well-designed and secure the program is, allowing eligible voters to submit their ballots on time and ensuring that each vote is properly counted.
us map showing states with blue map indicators sprinkled across it
Can I choose the state they vote in when I vote from abroad? Can I use my relative's address? Can I use a temporary address where I stayed before I moved? Do I still need to own or rent the property? No, no, no, and no - none of that is true!

Find out how to determine your Voting Residence Address and why it's important.

As an overseas voter, you take your right to vote AND your 'voting residence address' with you - where ever you are in the world.

Are you confused which state you vote in while traveling or living in another country? We can help!
november 2024 calendar with pin in 5th
This year, on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, the next President and Vice President of the United States of America will be elected, as well as 1/3 of the U.S. Senators and all 435 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives will be chosen. Yes, the election will take place on Tuesday.

But have you ever wondered why the election usually occurs during the week, namely on Tuesday? As always at U.S. Vote Foundation, we've got the answer for you! We're here to help you understand and exercise your voting rights and you can even build your knowledge of U.S. elections at the same time. Read on!
Voter Journey Map - How to Vote in America graphic with hands reaching up
If you're a U.S. citizen living abroad, we've got something special for you: You are invited to take a Voter Journey! This year, the General Election will take place on November 5th, 2024, and if you've already wondered if (and how!) you could vote in the upcoming Presidential Elections we've got you covered.

“How to vote” has now been re-invented. Experience our new, innovative, one-of-a-kind Voter Journey Map tool.
us passport held by a hand in front of a blurry view of city rooftops
If you are a U.S. citizen born abroad, you may be wondering if you can vote in U.S. elections. Good on you for asking this question! There are some important nuances to know about the voting rights of U.S. citizens especially if you were born outside of the U.S. and live abroad.

At Overseas Vote and U.S. Vote Foundation, we aim to assist you exercise your voting rights. Here, we'll explain whether you qualify to vote in the U.S. elections and how you can register to vote if you're a U.S. citizen born abroad and continuing to live abroad.
woman looking puzzled holding two different passports
U.S. elections garner so much media attention worldwide, it's no wonder that the topic of voting as a dual citizen comes up so frequently. If you are a dual national living in the U.S. or abroad, wondering whether you can vote in the upcoming election....

Here's the good news: Yes, you can vote in U.S. elections as a dual citizen.

Your U.S. citizenship and right to vote go with you where ever you are in the world. As a dual national living abroad and voting as an overseas voter, I thought I might share my own experience to give some perspective on the process.